Snapdragon Mobile Processor Running Windows 10
Qualcomm is reportedly developing Snapdragon 1000 SoC (System
On A Chip) processor for use in
laptops, two-in-one convertibles and may be use in PCs Which replace Intel and
amd from windows 10 laptops and other
windows gadgets.
Qualcomm, which has more-or-less dominated the chipset
industry in mobiles with its Snapdragon lineup, is set to take on the likes of
Intel and AMD by making a new Snapdragon 1000 series chip exclusively for laptop
, laptop and PCs.
Microsoft's once tried windows 10 on snapdragon 845 &
850 processor. & they succeeded in it and soon going to work on it and make
some amazing gadget.
Qualcomm seems to be getting serious about taking on Intel
and amd in the always-connected windows 10 laptop & tablets. As company
announced there latest processor snapdragon 850 soc which provides 30% more high end performance than
snapdragon 845, which is aimed to work on windows 10 low power gadgets.
But Microsoft announced that on snapdragon 1000 , they will
release there windows 10 gadgets on
snapdragon 1000 processor.
snapdragon 1000 will features 12
tdp ie, thermal deign power, if u are unaware of tdp , so bascailly tdp refers
to the heat dissipation limit of a cpu.
The snapdragon 1000 deliver more power to system without
Microsoft's once tried windows 10 on snapdragon 845
processor. & they succeeded in it.
Microsoft's development of Windows 10 for ARM has seen the
company partner with chip company Qualcomm. The first Windows 10 on ARM
machines use the Snapdragon 835 processor, with designs based on the Snapdragon
expected later this year. Snapdragon 1000 will be the follow-up to the 850.
The Snapdragon 1000 is
believed to be an even more powerful
laptop chip intended to go head to head
with Intel's Y- and U-series
Core processors.
Snapdragon 1000 will change
the whole dynamic of windows 10 gadgets
may be laptop, pcs and tablets. And gives a great completion Intel and amd
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